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We welcome new students to Hilton Head Island Elementary School for the Creative Arts anytime throughout the year. New families to the Beaufort County School District can stop at our front office for a registration packet or fill out an application below. Afterwards, click on the Online Payment tab, found under Families to pay any required school fees. After completing the enrollment packet you are asked to bring it to the front office with the student's birth certificate, immunization record, social security card and proof of residency. For students that are currently enrolled in a Beaufort County School and move to our attendance area parents only have to update the first page of the enrollment packet and provide proof of residency at registration.

Please fill out an Application for Hilton Head Island School Selection

En EspanolWhen all information is given to, and processed by the data Specialist Mr. Nilo Rosado, a start date for the student will be given. This is usually the following day. This gives the school time to notify the new teachers, place the student in a homeroom, develop a schedule and prepare a desk and materials. Please call Nilo Rosado at 843-342-4380 for more information.