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Important Information

School Rules and Behavior Plan

To ensure a safe and nurturing learning environment, students are expected to follow the rules and behavior expectations outlined by their classroom teachers. See the Code of Student Conduct for more information.


The school day at HHIESCA begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 2:35 PM. A student is considered tardy if not seated in the classroom at 7:45 AM each day. Five tardies will result in a social worker referral.

Student Code of Conduct

The purpose of this Code of Student Conduct is to ensure that all students understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the procedures for dealing with any violations. In addition, this Code of Student Conduct identifies classifications of violations and standard disciplinary actions and procedures.  For more information, visit the district website and download the District Discipline Policies and Code of Conduct.


Beaufort County School District Information Hotline: 1-877-527-4200.

In the event of school closing, HHIESCA will post a recording with school closing and reopening information using the School Messenger System via phone and email. Please update your contact information with the school office. 

Official school closings will be announced on local radio stations. Please monitor more than one station for announcements.

School Report Card

School and district report cards are part of the state's education accountability system. For more information, visit the South Carolina Department of Education website.